Thursday, December 2, 2010

I've been a terrible blogger, but here's a little update

We have had such a wonderful, busy last few months.  We got to visit Cannon Beach for a week and had an amazing time! Brandon has been busy at work and still really enjoys his job. We are getting ready to introduce a new baby to the world in 3 short months and cannot wait! Claire is SO excited to be a big sister and we can't wait to see her in that roll. The gender is a surprise and I really have no feeling at all either way on that :) We've been having a blast in the snow and getting all ready for Christmas too! I'll try to update more recently next time!!!  Here's some recent (or semi-recent) pictures of our family

Kisses for Daddy!! They have such a special relationship

Baby #2 profile at 20 weeks! Any guesses on the gender???

 Claire at the Portland Zoo

The Zoo was amazing. Claire loved every minute of it! We did too :)

 Haystack rock. We had so much fun staying in Cannon Beach. We had beautiful weather and got to really enjoy each other. Claire was in Heaven digging in the sand and looking for seashells :) We definitely plan on making this a family tradition!

 Enjoying an evening campfire on the beach

 Claire's pumpkin 2010. She loved this thing, I mean heartfelt LOVED. Kissed it good night and good morning everyday until we had to get rid of it

 Claire is currently taking swim lessons with Daddy and loves it! She's doing so great and really does well in the water. She is one talented little girl!

This has been the theme for the past couple of weeks. SNOW!!! And I'm SO glad I went out and got her snow stuff early this year because we have definitely used it!

We headed down to River Park Square to see Santa make his debut and it was great! She was so excited to see him and his elves :)

1 comment:

Amy Hook said...

Oh how I love the Oregon coast too! What a fun getaway. And how exciting that you're expecting #2 AND being surprised. There is nothing better than that, I think! Blessings on the last few months of being a family of three ;)