Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Life is good

February already! Valentine's Day and Brandon's 27th birthday=) Life is good around here. Claire is amazing. She can say "Mama and Dada" and actually know what that means. She is a pistol and is very strong willed (gee, I wonder where she gets that...). She is not walking yet but is very efficient at crawling to anywhere and everywhere she pleases. We finally moved her into her own room and she is doing great. She still refuses to have anything to do with a bottle or pacifier so my "me" time is still non-existent. It is worth it though. I know it is better for her and I know I will look back and miss these days. Here are a few new pictures. I would write more but it is late and I am tired=)
Claire laughing at Daddy

Showing off her teeth!!

Napping with Gramps, so sweet

I love this pic!!!!
I know I am biased but how cute???


Naslund said...

I love those teeth! We MISS Claire. We need to get the girls together :) Happy 27th Birthday Brandon.

Tara Doggett said...

SOOO cute!!! I wish we could have gotten together with the kids. She is getting so big!!!

Lisa Sand said...

OMG...she has teeth!?! She is such a big girl now! So sad that we are missing these fun stages...see you all soon! I'll call you back soon--promise! ;)